Zwei Frauen in einer Beratungssituation

Communication training on HIV/STIs and sexuality

free of charge - quality assured - certified

Presence and online training for doctors and medical students

Have you always wanted to learn how to talk to patients about sexuality in a sensitive and goal-oriented way? Do you work as a doctor in a clinic, are you in private practice or are you studying medicine? We come to you! All seminars are offered as in-house and online events.

Our experienced trainers teach you specific communication techniques, exercises on sexual anamnesis and up-to-date knowledge on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

We offer certified 1.5-hour, half-day or full-day seminars. These are free of charge for participants thanks to support from the Federal Centre for Health Education and the Association of Private Health Insurers. Have we aroused your interest?

Then get in touch with us!

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen